Thursday, November 07, 2024 by Ethan Huff
In a desperate attempt to steal the state of Michigan for Kamala Harris, the Democrat deep state illegally registered voters – but it didn’t work.
Detroit local Ramon Jackson, who calls himself an “advocate” because of his longtime political activism, conducted his own personal investigation into the matter of election fraud in Michigan after noticing that the same political candidates kept losing by the same 40 or 50 votes cycle after cycle.
Jackson, who has long advocated for lower taxes and more accountability in government spending, approached Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey’s office to request the Qualified Voter Files (QVF) for District 3 in Detroit where he lives. He discovered that false voter registrations were being filed to pad the vote for the preferred candidates.
One of the fake voter registrations that Jackson uncovered had the name of his good friend John F. Kennedy on it, even though Kennedy has never voted in his life. Kennedy was listed on the QVF as a permanent absentee voter in Detroit, even though he no longer lives in Detroit or even in the same county.
Jackson tried to sue the government over the matter but had his case thrown out for lack of standing. Here is his Statement of Facts:
“Mr. Kennedy is a 51-year-old man who has never voted in his entire life. Mr. Kennedy during this time did not know what an absentee ballot form was[.] Mr. Kennedy isn’t aware of any of the 2020 or 2022 candidates that ran for public office during those years, so he never voted for any of those candidates. From a more logical point of view, ‘Mr. Kennedy lived in Detroit most of his life, but never voted in Detroit. He moved away, then decides to vote in the city of Detroit for the first time, after moving away.'”
(Related: Some scared Democrats are freaking out that Trump might throw them into concentration camps for forced “reeducation.”)
It turns out that many of the false names in the QVF that Jackson obtained were personal friends of his that he knows for a fact either do not vote or who have long since moved out of Detroit. Jackson himself appeared falsely in the same voter rolls even though he was temporarily living in Toledo, Ohio, at the time.
Jackson was interviewed by an independent media outlet about his discoveries if you are interested in learning more about the kind of fraud taking place in Michigan – and yet, it did not work against Donald Trump in 2024 as he won the state of Michigan.
“Everybody knows me in Detroit,” Jackson told the outlet about his credibility in the area. “Everybody knows me for advocating. I have increased my contacts. I have taken them to court on bonds. I’ve got walls built. I’ve been vetting candidates. A lot of candidates come to me for information, for consultation on when they’re running for election, every election I’m involved in.”
“They’ve got a narrative that only white, right-wing people are saying that there’s election fraud. That’s not true. Blacks fear election fraud. Democrat blacks fight against election fraud, protest an election fraud right here in our city. I’ve got a video of all Democrats protesting outside our clerk house for cheap. The clerk lied and said it was Republicans.”
In the comments, many readers pointed out that this is part and parcel of how politics usually goes with plenty of fraud taking place behind the curtain where few in the public actually see it.
“This is most likely what they are doing in every state,” suggested another about how this practice is likely to be widespread.
The latest news about the election can be found at Trump.news.
Sources for this article include:
Tagged Under: Tags: big government, cancel Democrats, conspiracy, corruption, deception, detroit, discoveries, election, election integrity, Fact Check, fake polls, faked, fraud, insanity, Michigan, politics, real investigations, rigged, vote fraud, voter registration, White House
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